Focus On Adolescent Health

June 5th, 2023 - June 11th 2023
Adolescent Health at ReGenesis focuses on ensuring the teens in our communities are continuing on a healthy track to adulthood in the areas of their phsyical, emotional and mental health. It is recommended that teens be seen every year by their pediatrician. During this visit, we make sure they are growing normally and progressing through puberty as expected. We discuss a healthy diet, and make sure that school is going well. We discuss safety issues like not texting and driving, and avoiding vaping or smoking. Many teens now are struggling with depression and anxiety, and we screen for those issues as well. If your teen is doing sports, this exam is a good time to get the sports physical form completed. Since teens are growing up and becoming their own person, this is a good time for them to begin to talk to their doctor alone for part of the visit to start to take ownership of their health. This helps us develop an honest and open relationship with them. Teens are due for vaccines at age 16 to protect them from meningitis which can cause brain damage, loss of limbs, or even death.